You’ve Done What?

You’ve Done What?

If I came out and said I’ve given up smoking, or decided to go on a diet I’m pretty sure the response would be a total 180 to the one I seem to get when I say I’ve decided to give up alcohol.    What – for good?  Surely you’ll have a drink for your...
The End And The Beginning

The End And The Beginning

Yesterday marked 14 days since I consciously gave up alcohol and started counting how many days it’s been properly thanks to Alcohol Change’s Try Dry app. I have taken sober breaks before here and there but I think this time might be for good.    Cards on the...
The Libation Contention

The Libation Contention

It’s one of those contentious areas – drinking alcohol and mental health. The general consensus is its on the side of naughty to drink alcohol when you are experiencing a visit from the Black Dog. But a lot of people, myself included, will flout that rule...