Dear NHS

Dear NHS

Dear NHS, We’ve not been strangers, but I probably haven’t paid as much attention to you as I should. But listening to “Dear NHS – Stories To Say Thank You” by a group of celebrities carolled by Adam Kay, I realise how very few names I remember from our time together....
The Libation Contention

The Libation Contention

It’s one of those contentious areas – drinking alcohol and mental health. The general consensus is its on the side of naughty to drink alcohol when you are experiencing a visit from the Black Dog. But a lot of people, myself included, will flout that rule...
Them Pills, Them Pills

Them Pills, Them Pills

Given my current regular play dates with the Black Dog I thought it was time to revisit another old blog post. One thing that is synonymous with depression is anti-depressants. They are often seen as the cure-all for depression and something that anyone suffering from...