You’ve Done What?

You’ve Done What?

If I came out and said I’ve given up smoking, or decided to go on a diet I’m pretty sure the response would be a total 180 to the one I seem to get when I say I’ve decided to give up alcohol.    What – for good?  Surely you’ll have a drink for your...
Dear NHS

Dear NHS

Dear NHS, We’ve not been strangers, but I probably haven’t paid as much attention to you as I should. But listening to “Dear NHS – Stories To Say Thank You” by a group of celebrities carolled by Adam Kay, I realise how very few names I remember from our time together....
Honesty or Not?

Honesty or Not?

The biggest thing with mental health issues is we don’t talk about them enough. As with anything, the more people talk about them and normalise them – the less of a stigma there is. The only downside is, sometimes the issues involved are very personal.  I...