Mental Health Awareness Week 2018

Mental Health Awareness Week 2018

This week was Mental Health Awareness week, a time to reflect on and raise awareness of all the various aspects of mental health issues that affect us all. In a little bit of kismet I have just finished reading (well listening to….) a book called This Is Going To Hurt...
The Libation Contention

The Libation Contention

It’s one of those contentious areas – drinking alcohol and mental health. The general consensus is its on the side of naughty to drink alcohol when you are experiencing a visit from the Black Dog. But a lot of people, myself included, will flout that rule...
The Not So Normal Normal

The Not So Normal Normal

What is normal? It’s that annoying thing I think we all strive to be – and for some of us to the detriment of our mental health. For years I’ve struggled with the thoughts in my head and how they are abnormal, making me different and not “normal”. It’s only...