Honesty or Not?

Honesty or Not?

The biggest thing with mental health issues is we don’t talk about them enough. As with anything, the more people talk about them and normalise them – the less of a stigma there is. The only downside is, sometimes the issues involved are very personal.  I...
Song For The Ex’s – Part 2

Song For The Ex’s – Part 2

And here is the second part of the two part set of poems….   Each of you was there, a part of my life Loving each and every one of you in your own way You opened a door into my heart, never to forget you But the time has come to say goodbye To close these...
Song For The Ex’s – Part 2

Song For The Ex’s – Part 1

So, a little know fact about me is I did the whole teenage angst phases and wrote some poetry many years ago. I even went as far as to self publish and I believe a copy of it is even in the British Library. Song For The Ex’s – Part 1 and 2 were a twin part...