Why Does It Matter

Why Does It Matter

I often have to argue why LGBT rights matter. Why should who I love matter, why should it matter who I go to bed with when it comes to work. To put it bluntly, it matters to me. I don’t expect you to start work and stop thinking or commenting about your...


So I’m digging out some of my old blog posts that I had saved and re-posting them…… If I’m honest, what I’m about to write makes me think back to the days when I first came out. Though, this feels like a 100 times worse. And that is...
Automatic Assumptions

Automatic Assumptions

Is it easy to automatically assume someone is gay or lesbian when they are part of an LGBT group? I know I have in the past and it’s a habit I am now actively trying to break. Having grown up and discovering who I was via mainly male homosexual role models, my...