Dear NHS

Dear NHS

Dear NHS, We’ve not been strangers, but I probably haven’t paid as much attention to you as I should. But listening to “Dear NHS – Stories To Say Thank You” by a group of celebrities carolled by Adam Kay, I realise how very few names I remember from our time together....
The 1000 Mile Challenge

The 1000 Mile Challenge

I probably should have written this a month or so ago, but the madness that is COVID19 seems to have thrown everything up in the air. So here goes….. a lot of this was written pre-lockdown when races were still going ahead and we were all still out training at...
Injury Is A B!tch

Injury Is A B!tch

Injury is a bitch, especially for athlete’s.  However much we might kid ourselves, when we start to train and compete we put our bodies under stress and something is going to give eventually – be it a simple twisted ankle, a sprain or something more...
Castle Swim Series 2019 – Hever

Castle Swim Series 2019 – Hever

28th September was the final race of the year for me, doing the Castle Swim Series at Hever Castle. Given I started this year with no plans to do anything more than give open water swimming a try, I’m slightly chuffed I’ve done two Aquathons, two river swims, far too...
The Bulge Fear

The Bulge Fear

I have a small confession…. I don’t like showing a bulge in my trousers. I don’t know why…. it’s not something I have thought about much bar just knowing I like my trousers loose enough that it’s not noticeable.  Since putting on weight I’ve been a bit self...